Hotkeys / Shorcuts
Most of the time, you will be working with hotkeys in Maya. Here is a list of hotkeys that you will use frequently as modeler.
Autodesk Maya - hotkeys list
Key | Description | Runtime Command |
1 | Vertex mode | SelectVertexMask |
2 | Edge mode | SelectEdgeMask |
3 | Face mode | SelectFacetMask |
4 | Object mode | SelectToggleMode |
5 | Uv mode | SelectFacetMask |
Ctrl-1 | Convert to Vertices | ConvertSelectionToVertices |
Ctrl-2 | Convert to Edges | ConvertSelectionToEdges |
Ctrl-3 | Convert to Faces | ConvertSelectionToFeces |
Ctrl-5 | Convert to UV | ConvertSelectionToUVs |
Shift-1 | Smooth OFF | LowQualityDisplay |
Shift-2 | Smooth ON | HighQualityDisplay |
alt / option + q | Isolate mode | ToggleIsolateSelect |
ctrl + l | Tool setting window | ToolSettingsWindow |
o | Outliner | OutlinerWindow |
, | Toggle shelf | ToggleShelf |
. | Toggle status line | ToggleStatusLine |
\ | Pan and zoom | TogglePanZoomPress |
hold \ | Pan zoom in / zoom out | TogglePanZoomPress |
Ctrl-Shift-x | Knife | dR_multiCutTool |
Ctrl-Shift-q | Multi-cut / Quad tool | dR_quadDrawTool |
hold ctrl - shit move ELEMENT | Slide edge | vertex | along edge | SlideEdgeTool |
shift - alt / option - d | Detach edge | DetachComponent |
ctrl - b | Bridge tool | BridgeOrFill |
alt / option - b | Bevel tool | Bevel |
alt / option - f | Edge flow | PolyEditEdgeFlow |
ctrl - shift - e | Crease tool | PolyCreaseTool |
command - shift - f | Freeze xfrom | FreezeTransformations |
alt / option - d | Delete history | DeleteHistory |
ctrl - c | Center Pivot | CenterPivot |
ctrl - shift - c | Bake Pivot | BakeCustomPivot |
ctrl - d | Duplicate | DuplicateWithTransform |
ctrl - shift - d | Duplicate special | DuplicateSpecial |
ctrl - d* | Duplicate with Unique names | duplicate -rc |
hold s | Increment | snap transform | MoveRotateScaleToolToggleSnapMode |
hold v | Point snap tool | dR_pointSnapPress |
h | Hide object | HideUnselectedObjects |
shift - h | Unhide object | HideUnselectedObjects |
Thanks for Vitaly Bulgarov for hotkeys and 3D Design for Production