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Hotkeys / Shorcuts

Most of the time, you will be working with hotkeys in Maya. Here is a list of hotkeys that you will use frequently as modeler.

Autodesk Maya - hotkeys list

KeyDescriptionRuntime Command
1Vertex modeSelectVertexMask
2Edge modeSelectEdgeMask
3Face modeSelectFacetMask
4Object modeSelectToggleMode
5Uv modeSelectFacetMask
Ctrl-1Convert to VerticesConvertSelectionToVertices
Ctrl-2Convert to EdgesConvertSelectionToEdges
Ctrl-3Convert to FacesConvertSelectionToFeces
Ctrl-5Convert to UVConvertSelectionToUVs
Shift-1Smooth OFFLowQualityDisplay
Shift-2Smooth ONHighQualityDisplay
alt / option + qIsolate modeToggleIsolateSelect
ctrl + lTool setting windowToolSettingsWindow
,Toggle shelfToggleShelf
.Toggle status lineToggleStatusLine
\Pan and zoomTogglePanZoomPress
hold \ Pan zoom in / zoom outTogglePanZoomPress
Ctrl-Shift-qMulti-cut / Quad tooldR_quadDrawTool
hold ctrl - shit move ELEMENTSlide edge | vertex | along edgeSlideEdgeTool
shift - alt / option - dDetach edgeDetachComponent
ctrl - b Bridge toolBridgeOrFill
alt / option - bBevel toolBevel
alt / option - f Edge flowPolyEditEdgeFlow
ctrl - shift - eCrease toolPolyCreaseTool
command - shift - fFreeze xfromFreezeTransformations
alt / option - dDelete historyDeleteHistory
ctrl - cCenter PivotCenterPivot
ctrl - shift - cBake PivotBakeCustomPivot
ctrl - dDuplicateDuplicateWithTransform
ctrl - shift - dDuplicate specialDuplicateSpecial
ctrl - d*Duplicate with Unique namesduplicate -rc
hold sIncrement | snap transformMoveRotateScaleToolToggleSnapMode
hold vPoint snap tooldR_pointSnapPress
hHide objectHideUnselectedObjects
shift - hUnhide objectHideUnselectedObjects

Thanks for Vitaly Bulgarov for hotkeys and 3D Design for Production